Diversified Professional Coaching, LLC (DPC) is a collective of over 45 business coaches with diverse business and leadership expertise that runs deep and wide. DPC is located in the US, Canada, and Asia, offering a concierge coaching experience to clients.
DPC Value Proposition
Vision: DPC brings meaningful professional and personal development to business leaders, growing capacity to better serve global client communities.
Mission: To unlock potential and coach to results by linking professional business coaches with clients.
DPC Coaching Programs
DPC offers 5 core Coaching Programs:
- Individual Coaching
- Group Coaching and Mastermind Sessions
- DPC Speaker Bureau
- DPC SME Think Tank
- Coaching Certification Programs
What is a DPC Business Coach?
DPC professional coaches assist individuals and organizations with their coaching needs. DPC coaches have impressive overall industry experience in leadership, business coaching, practical knowledge, teaching, and a long-term commitment to coaching clientele to high levels of achievement.
A DPC Business Coach is your partner in achieving your personal and business goals, your trainer in communication and life skills, your sounding board when making choices, your motivator when strong actions are called for, your support when you take a hit, your mentor in personal development, your co-designer when developing an extraordinary project, your beacon during stormy times, your wake-up call if you don’t hear your own, and most importantly, your partner in helping you to live the life you know you’re ready for, personally and professionally.
A Business Coach is an expert in various areas of small business, but most importantly in the business of small business and the business process. Although coaches may have backgrounds in various business fields, a good Business Coach is a skilled mentor in business development.
In practice, a coach takes the time to understand the client’s business and provides systematic development strategies that help them reach their goals.
What can a DPC client expect?
Individual coaching engagements can include:
- One-on-one, personal, and confidential meetings.
- Text, email, and phone access.
- Individual assessments, as appropriate.
- Clients are coached to define and develop goals, clarify best strategies and tactics, and execute on agreed upon action steps.
Group engagements can include:
- Team or Group Coaching
- Mastermind sessions
- Keynote addresses
- Think Tanks
All programs are tailored for client-centered focus on important business areas of:
- Personal effectiveness
- Mission, Vision, and Core values
- Goal setting and attainment
- Development of Action Plans
- Leadership
- Brainstorming
- Profitability
- Strategic Planning
- Business Systems
- Marketing
- Sales
- Client Experience
- Business Financial Management
- Human Resources
- Exit/Succession Planning
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Other situation-specific challenges or opportunities
DPC coaches are available for coaching needs, whether individual or group. All relationships are tailored to the client’s specific needs and schedule. Sessions can be virtual or in-person, as appropriate, and can be as frequent as weekly or monthly. Clients and Coaches are selectively paired and observed for on-going success.
Tailored based on session requirements. Group rates may be available.